Energy Conservation Tips
- Turn off lights if leaving a room for more than a few minutes.
- Replace incandescent light bulbs with either LED bulbs or compact fluorescent bulbs.
- Turn off lights before occupancy sensors do.
- Maximize the use of natural lighting.
- Report excessive illumination – Report waste.
- Dress to your work environment.
- Do not use space heaters.
- Unplug items not in use, such as chargers and fans.
- Close windows in conditioned spaces.
- Turn off monitors, and if possible computers, when you go home at night.
- Enable power-save mode for computers, printers, copiers and other office equipment.
- Consolidate and share office equipment.
- Consolidate and share kitchenettes to reduce quantity of refrigerators, coffee makers, microwaves, etc.
- Buy equipment with an ENERGY STAR label.
- Report excessive heating or cooling in any areas.