Motor Pool


UNI Motor Pool leases and rents vehicles to departments and individual faculty and staff for university business. We also operate a fueling station and repair shop. We maintain vehicle titles, licenses, and repair/usage data for the vehicle fleet. 

The university fleet consists of approximately 165 licensed vehicles and another 200 off-road equipment items. Visit AgileFleet FleetCommander to make a reservation.

New - Important Notice

Do not use the drop box outside of the building anymore. Why?

With the new Agilefleet system, everyone who has their UNI ID card will be able to get in the front door and return the vehicle keys and receipts. If you do not return your keys into the box located in the front door you will be charged until the key is returned this also may cause issues for the next person that has the car reserved after you if you put them in the box located outside the building.

There is a rental car shortage. Why?

To help offset financial loss arising from little travel during the pandemic, UNI Motor Pool sold 40% of our vehicle fleet. Car rental companies reportedly also sold off 35-40% of their fleets.

In addition, vehicle manufacturers shut down many assembly lines during the pandemic, as did many suppliers of vehicle parts. So production has been slow to pick back up, meaning there is now a shortage of new vehicles for car rental companies to purchase to restock their fleets.

These two factors combined have led to a shortage of rental vehicles nationwide.

Please book ahead!

If UNI Motor Pool does not have a suitable vehicle available, we will attempt to obtain one through our contract with Enterprise. Please give us as much advance notice as possible. This will increase our chances of finding you a suitable vehicle.

University Vehicles Are Not For Personal Use

University vehicles are for official business only. They are not to be used for personal errands or to transport other than authorized persons and equipment. A university vehicle may be driven to a private residence and parked overnight only under certain circumstances authorized by Transportation or Motor Pool with the reservation request. The vehicle must be parked off the street and locked.

Commuting from home to on-campus office and vice versa may be considered personal use under IRS guidelines. Such use must be reported as a fringe benefit to payroll in the Office of Business Operations. Refer to university Policies & Procedures 9.63 Motor Vehicle Usage.

Driver Safety & Responsibility

When operating a university vehicle please be aware you are publicly representing the University of Northern Iowa. As the driver of a university vehicle, you are responsible for insuring you and your passengers represent the university in a positive fashion. You must obey all traffic laws and exercise safe driving practices. Iowa and many other states now prohibit texting and emailing while driving - that means no writing of outgoing text messages and no reading of incoming. Also prohibited is using the internet, social media and gaming. Other hand-held electronic communication device usage by the driver of a UNI Motor Pool vehicle is discouraged while the vehicle is in motion.

Driver Eligibility

If you drive on university business you must have your driver’s license validated before driving. Re-validation is required annually each year on July 1 or every 365 days. This is a requirement of the Iowa Regents Motor Vehicle Self-Insurance Program.

The university reserves the right to review the driving record of any driver, at any time, to determine driver eligibility related to any vehicle (owned, non-owned, rented, borrowed, leased, or any other vehicle) for which the university or the State of Iowa may be held legally liable.

Driving privileges will be denied if the driver's past-three-year driving record indicates any of the following:

  1. Three or more "at fault" accidents, or three or more moving violations*, or a combination of three or more accidents and violations; or
  2. Conviction of reckless driving, conviction of driving with a suspended, denied, revoked, or barred license, conviction of hit and run, or conviction of leaving the scene; or
  3. License suspension, or license denial, or license revocation, or license bar; or
  4. Conviction of driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or conviction of vehicular homicide, or conviction of any driving offense punishable as a felony.

*For purposes of reviewing driver records for eligibility or corrective action, moving violations shall not include violations for:

  • Failure to use safety belts;
  • Parking violations;
  • Past convictions, suspensions, or revocations related to civil or criminal actions unrelated to driving or vehicle operation; or
  • Speeding violations of 10 miles per hour or less over the legal speed limit only in speed zones where the legal speed limit is between 35 miles per hour and 55 miles per hour.

Check your own Iowa Drivers License 

Driver Safety Complaint Investigation

If the university receives a complaint that a driver of a university vehicle was violating any traffic law or otherwise operating the vehicle in an unsafe manner, each complaint will be logged and investigated by UNI Motor Pool management. If you are contacted regarding a complaint your full cooperation is expected. When warranted, a written summary of the investigation will be shared with the driver, the driver’s supervisor, and the Director of Facilities Management.

If Motor Pool management is not satisfied that you will operate a university vehicle safely, or if you fail to cooperate in any investigation, you will not be allowed to operate a university vehicle and any reimbursement for driving your personal vehicle will be at the university Rate. 

General Information

To reserve a vehicle, complete the Vehicle Reservation Form online or call 319-273-2610. For information on valid use, eligible drivers and insurance please refer to the Motor Vehicle Usage Policy. Keys can be picked up at the Facilities Management Motor Pool at any time with your UNI ID. If you need to pick up or drop off the vehicle key outside of business hours, use your UNI ID card to get into the front door. You will then have to access the computer and key box. Questions? Please refer to more details on AgileFleet FAQ.

Record the mileage from the odometer when you return. Gas for the vehicle can be obtained at the Facilities Management fuel pump if you are in the Cedar Falls/Waterloo area. If you are out of the area, a credit card is provided for gas purchases. Return all receipts in the gas receipt box and the vehicle key and credit card is returned back in the box.

To report problems call Motor Pool at 319-273-2610 during office hours, or after office hours, call Public Safety at 319-273-2712. In case of an accident, refer to the information provided in the glove compartment of the vehicle. For vehicle service call 319-273-2869.

To cancel reservations call 319-273-2610 or email To avoid a one day rental charge, cancel 24 hours prior to reservation.

15-Passenger Vans

Motor Pool has 15-passenger vans available through a rental agreement with Enterprise (please note insurance guidelines allow only 11 passengers including the driver). This agreement requires all drivers to be at least 25 years of age and complete specialized 15-passenger van training. Departments should verify the age of the drivers when authorizing the reservation. Motor Pool will confirm the age also when the keys are dispatched. Drivers will be provided pertinent information for the safe handling of larger vehicles when they pick up the keys and will be required to sign a form acknowledging their understanding of this responsibility.

Please also see Motor Vehicle Usage Policy (University Policy 9.63).