Building Access Procedures & Guidelines

General Statement

The University of Northern Iowa is actively concerned for the safety of all UNI faculty, staff and students on campus. Safety is best achieved when members of the campus community work together to promote a safe environment. 

The following provides guidelines for access to UNI buildings. It is intended to promote discussion and share responsibility in providing safe access to academic and administrative buildings on campus. Auxiliary units or programs designated with responsibility to run specific facilities are responsible for having written guidelines and procedures that address access, safety and security. Individuals utilizing spaces after-hours without authorization may be subject to discipline or removal.

Keys & Locks

Keys are distributed on campus according to the terms listed below. The term key or keys refers to mechanical keys and electronic keys. All keys remain the property of the university. Reproduction of a university key is forbidden.

Access/Key Requests

Access/Key request for individual faculty, staff, and students must be done on an Access/ Key Request Form and approved by a department head or appointed authorized contact.

Newly hired faculty/staff will need their PAFs completed and will need to have an UNI ID card issued before they will show up in our new key system. Due to this, they will not show up in the key request form under Recipient until the actions above are completed and they should be eligible in our system to be a Recipient either the day of or the day after their start date. If you have a new hire that meets the above criteria and you still aren't able to request keys for them, please contact the Facilities Management Officer.

Request for replacement keys require the approval of the dean, director or vice president. Certain special requests will require the consideration of the Facilities Management Director and the approval of the Senior Vice President for Finance & Operations before being accepted.

All student (graduate and undergraduate), student employee, and non-permanent staff key & electronic access requests are granted for up to a year. Brass keys are due back the Friday of finals each May or upon the student's graduation, whichever occurs first. A request for an extension from the current due date will be accepted starting on April 1st of each year. This can be done by completing an Access/Key Request Form and selecting “Extension”.


All key & access requests require adequate justification. Students may request their own keys, however the requests must be approved by the designated departmental staff member.

Additionally, the key holder is responsible for any fines associated with keys checked out to them. The key holder may have the fine charged to their U-Bill, payroll deducted, or pay with check or cash. If the department can not get the key(s) back from the keyholder that has left the university or the department, which was approved by the department, the department will be required to provide an account number for the cost of $25.00 per key.

There is no key deposit. All access/key requests must be submitted 2 business days prior to the desired issue date.  Key requests become invalid if the keys are not picked up within 60 days of being requested.  Any keys not picked up within 60 days will be returned to Key Shop and a new key request must be submitted if the key is still needed.

Departments that have special access or key control requirements may need to establish internal procedures to meet those requirements (e.g. Public Safety, Facilities Management, ITS, etc.). Facilities Management has the authority to review any special needs before proceeding, or to refuse the issue of access or a key if guidelines are not met.

Key exchanges and reproduction of keys are not permitted. Department heads are the only employee that can be issued multiple keys for the same area

If access on your UNI ID card does not work, please check with Facilities Management or the Housing & Dining department to investigate.  If you need to get a new UNI ID card because the card isn’t working properly. Take your non-working UNI ID card to Redeker with you to get a replacement UNI ID Card and to avoid a fee for a new card.

Affiliates/Emeritus of the University or contractors need to be set-up in our system prior to getting a UNI ID card. Please complete an Affiliate/Emeritus/Contractor Form and send to, along with the contact person that will be requesting access/keys. Notification with the Affiliate/Emeritus/Contractor number will be sent to the individual submitting the request. This number will be required at the Redeker Center to process the new UNI ID card. These individuals will be notified once key and/or electronic access requests are processed.

If faculty are not teaching consecutive semesters (Ex. teach every fall semester, but not the following spring semester), then their keys should be returned to the Facilities Management office and a new key request will need to be completed for the next semester that they teach. If there is a justification that they should need the keys in their possession after the end of their term of employment, an Affiliate/Emeritus/Contractor Form will need to be completed and sent to The steps will follow the same as listed above.

Requests for permanent changes to standard operating hours should be submitted to the appropriate department head, dean, or vice president.

Requests for temporary exceptions to standard operating hours should be submitted to the department head or Appointed Authorized Contact responsible for the space.

Evaluation of such requests should consider:

  • Is another facility open to allow for the same function to occur? Minimizing the number and hours of open buildings allows conservation of energy and financial resources.
  • Are others on campus at the proposed time and place? Consider what student safety issues may be relevant if the proposed access is allowed.
  • How can student and staff safety be assured if access is granted? It is strongly recommended that any areas with extended, non-standard operating hours create a safety plan in consultation with UNI Police.

In order to ensure proper heating, cooling, ventilation and appropriate locking/unlocking schedules, approved changes to a building’s standard operating hours must be requested using the Building Hour Change Form. It is also suggested that all department heads within the facility be notified of any substantive changes.

The University Registrar may adjust standard building hours to accommodate requests for specific classes or activities. Any changes initiated by the Registrar shall be sent to UNI Police, Facilities Management, Energy Management, and the specified building contact person.

To request a change in your building's hours for special events please fill out the Building Hour Change Form.

Requests for after-hours access

Faculty and staff (including graduate assistants) who are issued keys or electronic access may enter facilities at their discretion. Others (i.e. student employees, assistants, etc.) issued keys may enter facilities based on the parameters of their identified responsibilities. Individuals in buildings after hours may be asked to show their university identification

After-hours access for students is at the discretion of the appropriate building contact who is also responsible for notifying UNI Police and Facilities Management of such decisions.

Students who are allowed access to specialized areas in UNI academic buildings must follow established safety guidelines for those areas. Specialized areas are understood to include science labs (research and teaching), art and theatre production areas, machine shops, studios, practice rooms/rehearsal spaces and other areas where specialized equipment or materials are kept. Department heads are responsible for making sure that faculty, staff and students are aware of the safety guidelines for the specialized areas in their buildings.

As a general practice University Police will not provide after-hours access.

After a building is closed, no door shall be blocked open nor will any individual not approved for access be admitted to the building.

Electronic Access System Procedures

Access & Use

  1. Only authorized personnel, as determined by this policy and authorized by Facilities Management Director and the Specialized Systems Manager, will be involved in, or have access to electronic access data.
  2. Access to the software for programming, assigning access levels, and scheduling doors shall be limited to Facilities Management Facilities Access staff, and Specialized Systems staff.
  3. University Police will have access to all electronic access data from the Department of Public Safety office location.
  4. When an incident is suspected to have occurred, only authorized personnel may review the reports from the electronic access system.
  5. In general, the University will not permit either the installation or use of electronic access as a tool to monitor routine performance or management issues involving university personnel.

Device Procurement, Installation & Maintenance

  1. The installation of new electronic access, their locations, and purpose must be approved in advance by Facilities Management Facilities Access staff. A request for electronic access installations should be submitted via a FAMIS service request.
  2. All electronic locks must connect to the University’s centralized electronic access system in accordance with University product, installation, maintenance, and support standards.
  3. All costs associated with the purchase, installation, and maintenance of the system will be the responsibility of the requesting department.

Office Location

UNI Facilities Management 
1801 W 31st St
Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614-0189

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m - 4:30 p.m.